Tuesday, November 22, 2011

N word

1. Where does the N-Word Come from? Why does it offend some people so much? the N word comes from black slaves. people get offended because there family's slaves.

2. Should non-black people be able to use the N-Word? Should musicians stop using the N-Word?"White people should not be able to use the N word". No because they use that word in a different meaning.

4. Do other ethnic groups (for example, Chinese, Jews, and Dominicans) use ethnic slurs like the N-Word to describe themselves? If not, Why?No because they dont want to have there raise ethnic out like that

Thursday, November 3, 2011

airport scanners

One thing i like about the scanners is that it makes me feel safe when going on air planes. With the scanners I don't have to worry about any one with weapons or bombs. One thing i dislike about the scanners is that they get to see you naked. I think that is a little too personal. Also the pat down is too much because they are touching all of your body parts and thats weird for me to have people touching me all over. But I wont have a problem going throw it as long as i am safe on the airplanes.